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CFK Weekly: November 5, 2023


Custom Nutrition Plans Start 11/6/23!

Plans available to fit your nutrition needs! Check them out HERE! Email us at for more details and info on how to get started.


Hero WOD Chad - Veterans Day - Nov 11th

Join us on Saturday November 11th to pay honor CHAD on Veterans Day do it as a team or tackle it solo! Normal Class schedule plus Open gym time to complete!


Programming Sneak Peek!

Monday: 5x3 Front Squats. Then we have 4 Rounds for time where it is going to get leggy, bring your jump ropes. Tuesday: 5x2 Push/Split Jerk! Following up we have some distance to cover with a partner, and it is on theme for the month! Wednesday: 7x2 Power Snatch! Our Metcon after will focus on cycling a Snatch and climbing! (Bring your shin protection) Thursday: Core EMOM then we have some fast intervals to hit! Friday: 5x5 Deadlift and our Metcon pairs moderate Deadlifts with 2 bodyweight movements that will push your threshold. Saturday: Hero WOD- CHAD


On the Calendar


Row-vember & Half Marathon Row

We are off to a BIG head start!

Wednesday Nov 1st – Thursday Nov 30th — In Gym Meters Only

  • We will be adding up your meters throughout the month with a Leaderboard to track!

    • Only in gym meters count!

    • What is the prize??

  • Save the Date- Half Marathon Row Saturday November 25th.

    • Individual Division

    • Team Division

Winner of Row-vember get 1 month of Free Membership & 1 Month to gift to a non-member!


Hot-to-Trot 5k/10k! When: Thanksgiving Morning! Details HERE!

It is that time of year again! CFK Sponsors the Hot to Trot 5k/10k by running the water table and cheering hundreds of runners on! We would love for you to come out and race! If you’d like to volunteer we need help handing out water at the table! Volunteer HERE! Looking to train? Contact Coach Stephen!

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