CFK (Ugly Sweater) Holiday Party!!
Tennessee Tap House
Sunday - December 10th
2:00PM - 5:00PM
Spouses, Children, & Significant Others Welcome!
Pizza & Appetizers Provided - Other food available purchase.
Feel free to bring Dessert some will be provided!
Sweaters are encouraged but not required!
Canned Food Drive!
Located under the Row-vember Leaderboard we have been collecting canned goods to donate to a local food bank this season! The donations will be collected through 11/17!
Programming Sneak Peek!
Monday: 5 x 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean. Our WOD is a Pull up version of Classic Benchmark WOD Nasty Girls. Tuesday: 5x3 Sumo Deadlifts then we have a Threshold Metcon that has 3 for time where your Heart Rate will be high and working through the volume will be taxing. Wednesday: Open 12.3 WOD. Pacing this one will pay off! Thursday: Partner Row E2MOM for Distance! Friday: 5x2 Heavy Thruster then... FRAN! Saturday: Double AMRAP with a buy in each time!
On the Calendar
CFK Holiday Schedule
Wednesday 11/22 - Closing Early - 4:00pm CF / 5:00pm Burn / 5:30pm CF
Thursday 11/23 (Thanksgiving) - Closed (See you at Hot to Trot)
Friday 11/24 - Limited Schedule - 8:00am & 9:30am Only
Row-vember & Half Marathon Row
Save the Date- Half Marathon Row Saturday November 25th.
Individual Division & Team Division
Winner of Row-vember get 1 month of Free Membership & 1 Month to gift to a non-member!
Hot-to-Trot 5k/10k! When: Thanksgiving Morning! Details HERE!
It is that time of year again! CFK Sponsors the Hot to Trot 5k/10k by running the water table and cheering hundreds of runners on! We would love for you to come out and race! If you’d like to volunteer we need help handing out water at the table! Volunteer HERE! Looking to train? Contact Coach Stephen!
Custom Nutrition Plans Available!
Plans available to fit your nutrition needs! Check them out HERE! Email us at nutrition@crossfitknoxville.com for more details and info on how to get started.